H O M A N – A reference to human? A reference to home? To men? Or perhaps a suggestion for neither really home nor quite human. Not quite man. Not quite what you think it is. Not quite what you thought to have recognised. Almost, but not quite.
When you close your eyes, an image of the physical still remains on the retina. The light merges with the dark and the imaginary with the physical. Perhaps it is in that present moment where the performance takes place.
“ Science-fiction writers construct an imaginary future. Historians attempt to reconstruct the past. Ultimately both are seeking to understand the present.” – Naomi Oreskes.
We search for a broad sense of the present, through a research of disconnecting reality from its logic, meaning, psychology and purpose. How can we let go of the need to understand and dare to stay on the highway of an ever-changing surrounding?
The performance itself is always one step ahead of this moment of settling in recognition, by continuously twisting, shifting and disconnecting from logic and purpose.
TWO BODIES will occupy the stage:
Vejde Grind, 1.90m, 80kg, Swedish cave-man body type.
Vincent Bruyninckx, 1.70m, 60kg, Belgian french fry body type.
The performance is inspired by our feelings in relation to the thought: “what happens after humanity’s downfall?”. As creators, our intention is to raise, rather than answer, existential questions. We believe that the answers are constantly changing in an evolving line that is life.
Our focus is therefore on observing and reflecting around these themes through earnestness and humor; in relation to both our practice and our audience.
We invite our audience on an intimate trip, in the search for the present. Created by us but shared by all.
With this show, Vincent & Vejde are shortlisted for CircusNext 2020 – 2021, which is a European circus label: the creators selected by a European jury stand out for their singularity and creativity.