It is with great pleasure that the renowned circus company the Collectif Malunés overcomes barriers and creates links between different disciplines. This is what the collective has in common with performance artist Kasper Vandenberghe’s company MOVEDBYMATTER.
In Bit by Bit, their first joint production, Vandenberghe and the Bruyninckx brothers find themselves in a balancing act between connection and resilience on the one hand, and the inevitable moment of falling; the experience of loss that lurks around every corner.
A production to be taken literally, rich in images from Vandenberghe, the brothers experiment with a particular circus technique in which they are completely dependent on each other for their own safety. It is the culmination of a year of artistic research and physical training, but for the brothers it is also the culmination of a life of sharing, loving and suffering.
They grew up together and then became circus artists at the same time. They have spent more time together than most couples of the same age. They then let go of each other bit by bit and experienced a great loss. Bit by Bit is, ultimately, an attempt to get closer.
For the first time, the fraternal couple meets in the ring